
4 Reasons Why You Should Install a Single Room MVHR Unit in Your House

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Mechanical ventilation with air recovery is a system that allows you to save on energy by using inside air that is heated or conditioned and mixing it with air that is being pulled from the outside. MVHR systems mix air flows in an air exchanger and reduce the amount of energy that needs to be used to keep the room at an even temperature.

MVHR units used to be very big and required a full home installation. But you can now find individual room MVHR units, and they have many advantages to them that should be considered. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should consider adding a single-room MVHR unit inside your house.

Allows You to Enjoy the Benefits of MVHR Regardless of Your Home’s Construction

One of the obstacles to getting a full MVHR system is that the house needs to be constructed in a certain way for them to be considered. If you live in an old building, for instance, then there’s a chance that it won’t have the proper space for ducting, or that it won’t be airtight enough for a regular MVHR system. But, with an individual unit, all you have to worry about is the room where it will be installed. You can modify the room, using an airtightness membrane, to make it air-tight enough for your unit to work and won’t have to worry about ductwork.

They’re Affordable

A regular MVHR system can cost you in the high four figures, and while you can expect to recuperate these costs over time, this is not something that is accessible to everyone. A single room heat recovery unit, on the other hand, can be found for under £300. And you won’t have to spend as much on installation. So, if you are interested in MVHR but you have a limited budget or only spend time in a few rooms and don’t need a full system, single-room MVHR units are the way to go.

They Will Help You Save Money

MVHR units will allow you to save money on energy no matter their size. You could install an MVHR unit in your most heated or conditioned living areas and make big savings. Putting them in strategic spots could get you almost the same savings as you would get with a full system but without having to spend as much for your setup.

It Will Significantly Improve Air Quality

Another major benefit of MVHR units is how much they can improve air quality. This is why single-room MVHR units are a great option for studies and home offices. Air quality is directly related to productivity, focus, and concentration, and installing a single-room MVHR unit in a room where you do work could significantly improve your results. Single room MVHR is also perfect for children’s rooms and is a great option for any person in your house who may be suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or allergies.

As you can see, single-room MVHR units have tons of things going for them. So, consider looking into them today, and if you’re going to get one, make sure that you pick your provider wisely.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.