
A Guide To A Good Night’s Sleep

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Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. She was well known across all the lands for her beauty and had many suitors. This princess lived for more than a hundred years, and still looked as youthful as ever. When asked for her beauty secret, she shyly replied that she only had one answer: sleep. Her name was Sleeping Beauty, and she happily told her admirers about the importance of sleep — good health, good spirits, and a good mental state.

Of course, Sleeping Beauty is just a fairy tale. Not all of us get to sleep for a hundred years — most of us have trouble sleeping even our full 8 hours. We wake up feeling tired because we don’t get good quality sleep, and for those of us who wake up feeling light-headed, it may mean a decrease in productivity.

Without sufficient sleep, your memory is worsened, resulting in a lack of focus throughout the day. We get hungrier easier, making it more difficult to go for healthier options when you snack.

You feel irritable for the better part of the day, but the moment you’re done with your night routine and lie down on your soft pillows, you can’t seem to drift off to sleep. If this scenario sounds familiar to you, we’re here to help. Here are some tips that you can try out!

Firstly, ensure your surroundings are conducive for sleeping.

Temperature and Light

The perfect sleeping conditions occur in a dark and cool room. You can filter out the city lights with some blinds to achieve a dark room and that perfect cool temperature.


Some people prefer their sleeping environments to be so quiet they could hear a pin drop. Others prefer to have some form of white noise so the silence doesn’t get overwhelming. Sleep experts have worked extensively on music that you can listen to if you want to fall asleep, so if you want to try something new to help you drift off to dreamland, or have a lucid dream try listening to sleep podcasts.


Many sleep experts disagree on whether the best pillow should be hard or soft, but it truly differs from person to person. Your ideal pillow depends on your nightly sleeping position. If you sleep on your side, your pillow should be on the thicker side to provide ample support for your neck. If you sleep on your back, however, try a thin pillow to prevent straining your neck.

Next, think about pillow stuffings. If you need hypoallergenic materials, consider opting for feather-stuffed pillows, and if they’re out of your price range, try foam pillows or even latex. Don’t let your old pillow keep you awake — things like getting a stuffy nose at night really can affect the quality of your sleep. For a better sleep try having a cup of fresh tea or ready made tea, but some people like to infuse their tea with a little alcohol like what alcohol is in twisted tea .

Neat Surroundings

Growing up, you have probably heard your mother telling you to tidy your room. Studies have shown that cleaner, uncluttered bedrooms lower the chance of developing a sleep disorder. If you see a cluttered room, chances are you’d feel it’s psychologically uneasy, making it harder to fall asleep.

Secondly, incorporate a calming routine before bed.


Tune in to your favorite artists to calm your mind before sleep. Listening to classical music such as the trusty hits by good old Mozart and Beethoven is scientifically proven to help you release stress, ideal for you to quiet your active mind to get a good night’s sleep.


Sleep experts recommend dimming the lights when it’s bedtime. Consider investing in lights with switches that allow you to adjust the level of lighting and create a calmer surrounding with indirect lights. This prevents disruption to your body’s biological desire to sleep at the right times.


Don’t keep yourself up at night with caffeine injected into your system far too late in the day. Following your lunch, try to be mindful of the food you eat. Avoid sweet drinks, alcohol, coffee when the day gets a little darker — drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep.

Get sunlight

Getting active and going in the day by going outdoors and exposing yourself to enough sun will help you set your body clock on an appropriate cycle in sleeping and waking.

Appropriate Work Hours

Work should always end when you step out of the office. Of course, with the pandemic, most of us have already started to incorporate it into every aspect of our lives — living and breathing work emails — but this can do a number on your health as you never take a proper break. This results in heightened feelings of anxiety and unnecessary stress which keep you up at night. Make it a point to stop checking your emails after you’ve had your dinner, and incorporate mindfulness into your life by unwinding and being more present for your family activities.

Lastly, do things that help you relax and let go of negative emotions like anxiety or irritation.


Yoga is not just for your typical suburban yoga mum, it’s for everyone. The centuries-old art form has restorative uses that help you stretch your tense muscles. Try out some yoga positions before sleeping!

Practice gratitude

Start a diary recording all the things you’re grateful for. This helps to reduce your blood pressure, minimize risks of depression, and increase positive emotions contributing to your overall mental wellbeing.


Make it a point to shower before you go to bed. Showering with warm water one to two hours before sleeping helps to relieve pressure from the body and mind, as the warmth soothes the tension in your muscles.


There’s a good reason why children are put to sleep after a good story. Sleep experts say that reading provides people a momentary escape from their busy lives, which is the best form of relaxation there really is. Consider keeping a book — and not a device with e-books — by your bedside to read to help you relax before you sleep.


The quest for a happy and successful life begins with a simple step — prioritizing sleep. Many billionaires and celebrities that you look up to go to bed early and rise with the sun. As a result, they live their best life, with good health, good spirits, and a good mental state. Take that step and try out our tips for better sleep today!

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.