
Bill Gates coronavirus vaccine will make everyone America’s slave: Hamid

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There are conspiracy theories. There are hoaxes. There is fake news. And then there is this guy who has combined the worst fake news, hoax, and conspiracy theory into a single messaging. In an interview with Badalta Pakistan, Zaid Hamid said the coronavirus is just a common cold that has been around for decades. He added that Bill Gates is developing a coronavirus vaccine that will have nanotrackers.  The sole purpose of the vaccine will be to make the whole world the slave of America.

Hamid reveals the ingredients of Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine

Bill Gates is indeed funding the development of several vaccines for the novel coronavirus. But it’s highly unlikely that he is doing it to make the future generations the slave of America, as the conspiracy theorist claimed.

Hamid conveniently avoided questions about China’s involvement in the COVID-19 spread. He said the American version of coronavirus is different from the Chinese one.

Zaid Hamid said that Gates has planned the coronavirus outbreak such that the whole world remains under lockdown for about a year. After that he will release his vaccine with molecules that will take Islam away from Muslims. He said the nanotrackers will enter the body through the vaccine and then America will be able to monitor all of the world’s population using 5G technology and satellites.

Nanotrackers, 5G, and satellites

Now that the world is in total lockdown, the United States is building a massive 5G network and launching a large number of satellites. The US will use the satellites, 5G network, and Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine containing nanotrackers to control every person on the planet, argued Hamid.

He urged Muslims with a strong belief in Islam to not take Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine, just like they rejected the polio vaccine.

He is not the only conspiracy theorist blaming Bill Gates for the coronavirus pandemic. There is a hoax going on all over social media that Gates has presented a vaccine to the US Department of Defense to “immunize” religious fanatics. They are also sharing a video that shows Bill Gates presenting the vaccine, only Gates is not the person in the video.

Some other conspiracy theorists have claimed that the 5G towers are spreading the coronavirus.

Vikas Shukla

Vikas is Insider Paper's Editor/Writer. He has been covering the latest developments in Tech and Politics for about a decade. He loves trekking, playing chess, and reading. - Email: copywritershukla@gmail.com