Categories: Tech and Science

Can an AI Writing Bot Compose a Proper Essay?

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The evolution of technology has made it simpler and less cumbersome to control robots. There is no question that those bots do not look anything like the people depicted in popular science fiction films. Nevertheless, the concept of an AI that can write papers is no longer a hypothesis. All of this is taking place in the digital era, and as a result, it is becoming impossible to avoid the presence of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives. But what does this imply for education in a world where AI is already being utilized in everything from, self-driving vehicles to the selection of foods?

The use of artificial intelligence in educational settings has a number of potential advantages, including improved speed and precision in the grading of student essays and research papers; nevertheless, students may use AI to create essays without their teachers’ knowledge. The AI bot has, from time to time, tempted me to go online to write my essays and offers (usually) the best linguistic suggestions.

The material that is produced by AI may not always be eloquent, but it is without a doubt persuasive, and it is without a doubt original. A good essay may be created by a student with the assistance of their AI word processor by just pressing the write button a few times and making a few minor adjustments to the document. Additionally, AI has the ability to rewrite and restate phrases that have been borrowed from other sources, making the information seem to be entirely fresh.

AI cannot critically evaluate concepts

If a scholar can scour the web for a solution, then an AI is more than capable of researching facts and summarizing them in an academic essay. However, AI is incapable of doing the difficult task of evaluating and critically thinking about ideas; this is something that humans are particularly adept at.

The emphasis of research work should be on critically assessing alternative points of view and critiquing the reasoning behind diverse arguments, rather than hunting for facts. The current structure of our education system places a higher emphasis on the memorization of material than the analysis of concepts and problem-solving skills, which presents a challenge for AI in the classroom.

In the not-too-distant future, AI will have the ability to process enormous amounts of data and discover solutions to questions that humans cannot. This indicates that we may soon be able to employ artificial intelligence as research assistance to reveal items that we wouldn’t have uncovered with a standard search engine.

Errors in grammar and style may be eliminated with the help of AI

Students’ writing processes consist of a lot more than just gathering information and summarizing it. The second component is examining the text for errors in grammar and spelling. AI can examine language to discover frequent faults and recommend better ways to write, in contrast to the widespread use of spell-checking software, which has been around for quite some time.

Before turning in work to an instructor for a grade, it may assist guarantee that the material is both legible and free of errors, despite the fact that it is not flawless. It is possible to highlight whole phrases and then ask the computer to rephrase them and correct their grammar for you.

AI can guarantee that the material is entertaining and free of errors or typos; it does not need to be flawless in order for a student’s score to improve, however, if they attempt writing their personal papers instead, this can encourage them more.

The repercussions that artificial intelligence will have on education

Artificial intelligence is on its way, and students will utilize the tools regardless of whether or not you want them to. Students are required to acquire the knowledge necessary to utilize AI content generators, just as they are required to learn how to operate a calculator in mathematics.

The quality of written work

The ability of AI systems to create writing has made significant strides in the past 2 years, thanks to the advancement of what is known as the linguistic generator. These strides have been madepossible by a number of recent advancements. It is already common practice for academic writers to make use of various technological tools. Students may utilize Grammarly, which is a cloud-based writing helper, while many educational institutions, such as colleges, have already implemented text-based plagiarism detectors such as Turnitin. Examples of writing assistance include automatically generating text, extracting it, making predictions about it, mining it, filling out forms with it, paraphrasing it, translating it, and transcribing it.

The development of AI technology has resulted in the creation of new writing tools, products, and services that can increase both the quality of written work and its productivity. As they continue to develop, it won’t be long before full articles or essays may be created and authored by artificial intelligence on its own. The ramifications of such advancements will likely have a significant impact on the future of education, writing, as well as teaching in educational institutions.


Concerns about the use of technology in test monitoring and academic cheating have been raised as a result of the massive increase in online learning that happened during the COVID-19 epidemic. Several educational institutions reported a rise in the quantity of cheating that occurred during the epidemic, and these concerns are growing at a time when technology that allows for the automation of composition is advancing.

Educators need to be informed about these tools as soon as possible before pupils begin utilizing artificial intelligence authoring programs in school without any kind of supervision. Students will need to be taught in schools how computers function and why it is vital, not just for the sake of their grades, but because AI has the potential to make our jobs simpler.

Let’s now revert to the title of this writing.

Can AI Writing Bot Compose a Proper Essay? The answer is YES!

There is no evidence of AI producing essays at the university level yet, but it is clear that this will happen eventually, even if it is later than high school. All that is required is for AI to learn at the same rate as the human brain. Many students who seek essay assistance will rejoice since they will no longer have to strain themselves attempting to create essays and fighting to fulfill the necessary word count.

The technology that is employed to develop AI content is natural language generation. This technology is employed in a variety of industries:

  • medicine
  • banking
  • business
  • news broadcasting, and many more.

The technology enables AI to produce written material from the data it receives, converting metadata, an excel spreadsheet, or other data types into writing in simple English that practically anybody can understand. AI often obtains a model for the required writing style from the data. It may generate a 15-page financial report for financial institutions, as well as a summary for larger papers.

AI can presently compose poetry. It’s also used by many businesses to send customized emails. Furthermore, essay writing services may leverage AI tools like ArticleForge, which are designed for article production, to create rapid drafts of students’ writings. However, the work produced is frequently of poor quality, and the essay might benefit from more copy editing.

There is already a lot of AI technology out there. Because AI can already write news stories and business reports, you may wonder why AI systems couldn’t create essays for students. Although the expertise to do so seems to exist and is readily accessible, they appear to be ignoring it. So why isn’t it already in use? In order to function, AI presently requires the use of a template or software. Rather than starting from scratch, the procedure is more akin to cutting and pasting.


Instead, whether or not it will be permissible for AI to compose students’ essays should be debated. Can there be school restrictions prohibiting learners from utilizing artificial intelligence to produce their essays? If no such restrictions are enacted, students will be submitting essays authored by AI for evaluation in a matter of years. One thing is certain: determining whether an article was written by kids or by a machine would be difficult for instructors.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.