Correction Policy

At Insider Paper, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable news to our readers. We understand that mistakes can happen, and when they do, we are dedicated to promptly rectifying them. This Correction Policy outlines the procedures we follow when an error is identified in our articles.

Definition of Error: An error is defined as any factual inaccuracy, misrepresentation, or misleading information present in an article published on

Identification of Errors: Errors can be identified by our editorial team, journalists, or by our readers. We encourage readers to bring any potential errors to our attention through the following channel:

Correction Process: Upon identification of an error, the following steps will be taken:

  • Verification: The editorial team will review the reported error and cross-verify the information against credible sources.
  • Correction Drafting: If an error is confirmed, a correction will be drafted. This correction will clearly state the original error, the corrected information, and the date of the correction.
  • Correction Placement: The correction will be prominently displayed within the article. It will be positioned at the beginning or end, depending on the nature of the error.
  • Notification to Readers: If the error is significant or if it changes the substance of the article, an update will be posted at the beginning of the article notifying readers of the correction.

Transparency and Accountability: We believe in transparency and accountability. Alongside the correction, we will also provide an explanation of how the error occurred and the steps we are taking to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Archival of Original Article: The original version of the article with the error will be archived for transparency purposes. It will be clearly marked as having been corrected.

Corrections Log: A log of all corrections will be maintained internally. This log will include details such as the article title, date of publication, nature of the error, and the correction made.

Feedback and Questions: We welcome feedback and questions regarding our corrections process. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any concerns or inquiries.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our processes to minimize errors. We conduct regular training sessions for our team members and implement editorial guidelines to uphold the highest standards of accuracy and integrity.

This Correction Policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as necessary to ensure it remains in line with industry best practices and our commitment to accurate reporting.