
Five creative content marketing ideas for your website

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As a business owner, achieving the best return on investment is crucial. Sometimes, a creative content marketing strategy is necessary to attain the desired ROI. As consumers increasingly seek educational content on products and services, content marketing has become a popular channel for both B2C and B2B brands. One reason for its popularity is its cost-effectiveness – it’s estimated to generate three times more leads than traditional channels like print ads, while costing 62 percent less.

However, simply publishing any content on your website won’t necessarily result in quality leads. To achieve the desired ROI, it’s crucial to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience and promotes brand awareness. Providing value to your audience builds trust and fosters long-term customer loyalty.

Generating content marketing ideas can be a challenging task. The best approach is to begin with keyword research to determine what potential customers are searching for. Once you’ve identified their needs, the real work of creatively differentiating your content from competitors begins. Here are five effective content marketing ideas to get you started.

Offer a list of benefits

A viable content marketing plan for your business should begin with a list of the benefits your customers can derive from using your product or service. This is your chance to highlight the overall advantages, such as improved health, without being too pushy about your product.

Write a “how-to” list

Many individuals are constantly seeking the most efficient approach to accomplish their goals. If you have expertise in a particular field, area of specialization, or circumstance, it’s worthwhile to share your knowledge and guidance with your audience. Crafting material that outlines essential components can be an efficient means of improving the visibility of your blog post in Google search rankings.

Share your behind-the-scenes moments

Sharing behind-the-scenes content provides an exclusive look into the individuals and concepts that distinguish your enterprise. This strategy allows brands to demonstrate that they not only preach values but also embody them in their business practices. You might consider presenting your product’s production process through a guided tour, displaying footage of employees testing your product or service, or sharing clips from company events to showcase the authenticity of your brand. Sharing intimate glimpses of your company’s inner workings can help your audience relate to your team as fellow human beings, thus making your enterprise more approachable.

Predict and follow up on trends

Even if you don’t realize it, you possess a wealth of knowledge about your industry. Your understanding of the future of your field is likely greater than that of your customers, so why not transform that expertise into high-quality content?

Take the time to periodically summarize industry developments and project where they may lead. Whether it’s emerging trends in video marketing or the latest breakthrough in organic food, your customers will appreciate being informed.

If you write about trends, make it a habit to revisit your content every six months or so to produce a follow-up post. Evaluate its accuracy, pinpoint any areas where you may have missed the mark, and offer your perspective on how it may play out in the future. This builds thought leadership and demonstrates to your audience that you’re in tune with the latest developments in your industry.

Leverage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content created by individual users or contributors who are not compensated for their contributions. Customers tend to view UGC as more authentic and reliable compared to content generated by a brand. In fact, a staggering 93 percent of customers have found user-generated content to be influential in their decision-making process when considering a purchase.

Integrating UGC into your content marketing strategy is remarkably simple. You can write blogs and social media posts featuring your customers, ask them to share images of themselves using your products, and share brief, informative video testimonials of your customers sharing their experience with your product.


In conclusion, creating compelling content is an integral part of any successful marketing strategy. By offering valuable insights, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and highlighting user-generated content, businesses can improve their brand image, boost engagement, and increase customer trust.

Sharing knowledge and expertise can help establish thought leadership and authority within an industry, making it easier for customers to trust and rely on a brand. Behind-the-scenes content can humanize a company, making it more approachable and relatable to customers. User-generated content, on the other hand, can significantly boost credibility, authenticity, and brand loyalty.

In today’s digital age, content is king. By developing a thoughtful and comprehensive content marketing strategy that focuses on delivering value, businesses can effectively differentiate themselves from the competition and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Ultimately, a successful content marketing strategy is one that is centered on providing value to the customer. By consistently creating content that resonates with their audience, businesses can build brand awareness, foster trust, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.