
How To Drain Windshield Washer Fluid? All You Need To Know

Even if you are not a car mechanic, it is still important to learn a few basic tricks to maintain your car. Car’s windshield washer fluid is among those things that require proper treatment because it helps us clear away the dirt and mud from the windshield’s surface, providing a clear view.

If it runs out of fluid and you don’t know how to get more, it can be a real headache. Read on this blog and learn how to drain windshield washer fluid now!

How To Drain Windshield Washer Fluid

You may have been driving a car for a few years. However, you’ll find that your windshield needs to be washed quickly at one point or another. Do you know how to effectively get rid of the grime and dirt on your windshield?
Let’s look at some useful tips and recommendations that can help you while washing your car.

Step 1: Hood Opening

After one has pulled over, it is advised to let your car’s engine cool down before attempting this action. This will prevent unnecessary burns and other problems that could arise when performing this act.
Use a flat-head screwdriver to loosen the metal clamp to remove the washer fluid reservoir hose.

Step 2: Have A Reservoir Drain.

Next, get a draining pan and place it under the open reservoir’s hose. Place the other end of your transparent hose inside the pan to see the movement of the fluid when you are draining it. Be sure to reconnect the hose after successfully draining all the washer fluid.

Step 3: Fill Your Reservoir Back Up Again

It would be best if you did this by removing the cap on top of it first and then placing a refill hose in it that’s attached to the new fluid jug. If you are using old fluid and decide to change, make sure to disconnect the old hose.
After that, place a transparent one into the open reservoir to see the clear flow of liquid going into your washer’s tank. Once all the flushing is done, restart your car and check if everything appears normal when taking out the car wash mitt.

Should You Drain Windshield Washer Fluid?

It’s important to remember that your car’s windshield washer fluid should not be re-circulated after use. In this way, it would be harder for the liquid to be contaminated or get dirty with debris.
You don’t have to unload old fluid out of the system. It requires period refilling for a proper functioning system.

Why And When Do You Need To Drain Windshield Wiper Fluid?

During winter, it sometimes can become necessary to start using a new fluid to clean road grime and salt. You may have heard that a fresh blend of washer fluid will be ineffective on your windshield, but it actually would be best to treat your windshield with an acidic cleaning agent like vinegar before winter starts.

This will ensure the bugs are not left behind while making your washer fluid when hydrating your windshield during those frigid months.

A simple way to keep bugs from sticking is by treating them with graphite from a pencil before driving into heavily populated areas.

How Much Can Windshield Washer Fluid Your Car Hold?

There are different types of windshield washer fluids, and generally, a standard capacity will let you use up to 1.6 liters of fluid at a time. If your car is an SUV or truck, you’ll typically use around 2.4 liters for the one-time refill as you need more because more parts need cleaning in those vehicles.

Some cars come with particular glasses due to their length and width. So if you want to be double sure about how much fluid your car can take, make sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions!

What Color Is Winter Windshield Washer Fluid?

Windshield washer fluid is generally always a blue color, and it’s designed to be water-like in consistency so that it flows only when needed without overflowing. However, the tubes from the reservoir can degrade, causing leaking over time and usage.

Some Last Words

We hope that this article has helped you know how to drain Windshield Washer Fluid from your vehicle. In general, you can drain the fluid in the same way you add fluid to the reservoir. If you have any other questions or concerns about windscreen washer fluid or other automotive matters, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime. Cheer!


Bryan Mark is the founder of Bryan’s Garage. He own a small garage in IOWA town, and spend a lot of time on study all technique both hardware and software of car. His mission is contributing the best car knowledge and experience to the automotive community. It is the most meaningful way to express his passion.

About the author

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.

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