
How to Improve Your Sales with Brochure Holders

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A brochure holder may prove to be a key marketing tool, but only if it is designed and displayed strategically. Often, brochure holders are displayed alongside high-ticket items like designer handbags, sports cars, and Swiss watches. We’ve seen this before. Brochures are the perfect marketing tool for companies that sell high-end items with high price tags. Creating an eye-catching display and a winning brochure are two essential steps to promoting your high-end products.

Choosing The Right Type Of Brochure Holder

  • Countertop Brochure Holders

Countertop brochure holders can be placed throughout your store on display tables and surfaces, making it easy for customers to pick one up as they move about. They can be more effective when they are placed at the checkout counter, so staff can give them to customers who make purchases. It becomes more convenient when customers can carry them home in their bags. It encourages them to make return visits.

  • Wall-Mounted

It takes up little space and makes brochures readily available. Brochure holders that mount on the wall take up minimal space. These should be fixed so that customers can see them easily and at the right height so they can easily pick them up without stooping or reaching over obstacles. You can display several types of brochures on a wall by using tiered brochure holders.

To keep business moving, there are seven ways to use brochure holders:

Create an eye-catching brochure display

The right brochure holders make your display stand out and draw the attention of potential customers.
When it comes to brochures, the right one can make a huge impact, but a badly displayed brochure or brochure that does not match your company’s image will leave your salespeople scratching their heads. You will generate more sales if you follow these steps.

1.Accessible countertop brochure holders

You can advertise your promotional materials on your store’s counters, where customers frequently stop to scan the area during their shopping trip. A strategically designed countertop can encourage visitors to take a moment to contemplate the items displayed.

2. Display brochure holders near exhibits and sale items.

Exhibits and sales items in stores attract shoppers who think they are valuable. Having brochures near high-end products or services helps shoppers associate these items with high-end services and products.

3. With brochure displays, loyalty programs can be promoted

On a counter near the checkout, you can place a brochure display stand with a discount coupon holder to promote your loyalty program. The brochure can contain all the important information, the T&C of the program, and participation details.

4. A brochure holder can promote discounts, offers, and deals

Brochure holders are a great way to promote your store’s best deals, offers, and discounts. The foyer of your store is a great place for you to display print materials that promote the store items. Customers can be given promotional materials while they consider similar purchases by placing a brochure holder near the door or shopping baskets.

5. Ensure that your print materials contain your website, phone number, and address

Those who sell their products or services via phone know how important it is to list their phone number. Customers may find it convenient to contact your company by phone even if you don’t usually handle phone orders.

6. In order to increase sales of high-end products, brochure holders can be useful

High-end products and services can be promoted effectively with brochures. When upselling customers, it’s especially important to use the right brochure holders and creative print materials.

7. Stands for displaying brochures are ideal for launching new services or products

You can introduce your new products and services to your customers with an acrylic pamphlet holder or brochure display stand. It is important to sell prospects on the idea of a product launch through a brochure. Your product or service may not yet be clear enough to them to understand the benefits. The words and images you use in your brochure will appeal to their emotions, filling in the gaps.

See if you can boost sales by displaying brochures in these ways in your store. Remember that the brochure customers receive after they leave your store can and will be of great help to you if you put your focus on high-end, high-margin products.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.