
How to Prepare for College

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If you are planning on going to college this fall, you might be super excited, as well as a little nervous. That is totally normal! The good news is there are some things you can do to not only put your mind at ease but also to prepare for what lies ahead.

There are some big changes coming your way, as college is very different from high school, but you are sure to love it. Continue reading for a few helpful tips on how to get ready.

Learn as Much About the School as Possible

There are a lot of things to learn about a school, and you probably realized that while you were searching for the right college or university to attend. For instance, different colleges offer different programs that you can major in, and some offer more advanced degrees while others only offer associate’s level degrees. Also, according to Nuwber, some colleges rank higher than others when it comes to campus safety.

It is quite a lot to think about, but having as much information as possible will help you better understand what to expect from your school. Using resources such as Academic Influence can help you easily compare schools and majors that you are interested in, especially if you cannot visit the school in person. So, consider visiting a few times to get a feel for where everything is on campus, and try to make friends with fellow students who will be attending the school with you. Also, don’t hesitate to contact the school directly to ask them any questions that you might have before you start your first full day of classes.

Buy All of the Supplies You Need in Advance

As a college student, you will need many supplies to ensure you can succeed in every class you enroll in. These days, a notebook and pen won’t be enough because you will also need a good quality laptop with plenty of storage for all of your assignments. In addition to that, you will need to buy a variety of books, whether you get digital versions or standard textbooks, and you should also ensure you have various supplies based on the courses you will be taking. For instance, you might need an advanced calculator for a math class you are enrolled in.

No matter what you need, be sure to shop early so you can get it all in time for college. Think about it: a lot of other students will be shopping at the same time as you, so products might end up selling out fast. If you want to be absolutely sure you will have everything you need from day one, start shopping a few weeks before your first class session.

Find Out If You Qualify for Scholarships and Financial Aid

College can be extremely expensive, and you might think that student loans are the only option when it comes to making it easier to pay your tuition. But this is not the truth. Receiving scholarships is a great way to work toward lowering what you have to pay out of pocket as you prepare for college. You can also look for other financial aid options, such as grants, that you might qualify for. If you did really well in high school, you might be surprised by the support you can get. Ask your school’s financial aid office for some guidance in this area if you aren’t sure about where to begin.

As you can see, there are many ways you can go about preparing for college and the changes that you will experience once you start this new chapter in your life. From preparing financially and getting your school supplies in order, to figuring out where everything is on campus so you won’t get lost, you can make the transition easier with proper planning.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.