Tech and Science

List of what tech is trending in 2022

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Technology is evolving every year, and 2022 is no different. From health to marketing, keeping you safe, and even table games online, new advances are changing our lives for the better. Here are five of the very best.

Immersive Gaming Experiences

The gaming experience will certainly become more immersive as general entertainment becomes more interactive. Displays and operating systems have improved in performance and are more affordable due to portable displays.

As for connectivity advances, more realistic gaming will be possible using low-latency graphics and physical movement matching with a VR headset. As AR grows in sophistication, players will be able to access gaming content within the context of their surroundings. Take tennis, for example. Imagine playing it in your living room.

Folding Screens

The development of portable and foldable screens will enable us to work almost anywhere as we become more dependent on monitors as part of our work-from-anywhere setup. OLED technology promises that screens are effortlessly bendable, can be rolled, or folded to be portable and easy to use.

As noted in 2021, flexible display technology has experienced some promising applications over the past year. Now, we expect the market to explode, with some analysts predicting a 500% growth in the next five years.

We will continue to see flexible displays used in mobile devices, but other devices will incorporate flexible displays as the price decreases. New applications are expected for digital signage, public transportation, smart home appliances, and more flexible display options on smartphones, tablets, PCs, and laptops.

No More Passwords

Every app now forces frequent password updates – something nobody remembers – rather than everyone using their favorite password. The world will likely become safer and our data more secure once inherently vulnerable passwords are no longer used. In the end, a password must both be kept secret and be shared for it to be effective. It is impossible to steal alphanumeric rows through hacking or in transit on the internet as long as there are no alphanumeric strings to remember, hold tight, and recreate. Giant repositories containing them can’t be hacked, and they cannot be sold or bought.

As a result, human error, sharing, and reusing passwords will also become obsolete. Artificial intelligence and improved sensor technology will instead drive seamless authentication. Within a few years, PKI-based device security, like what we use to access our mobile banking apps and multifactor authentication (MFA), is expected to further reduce the use of passwords for application and device access. As a substitute, biometrics such as fingerprints, faces, irises, and voices will be used for authentication. The safest thing we can do is to stop using conventional passwords.

Work From Anywhere

Work-from-home is accelerating as predicted last year. Mobility, customer experience, and user experience have been our focus over the last few years since we predicted that distributed workforces would become even more popular. The future will bring improved intelligence and a greater degree of flexibility. As people and companies continue to think beyond the workplace, remote work is evolving into hybrid work and from home into work anywhere. 83% of IT leaders say they expect more than half of work to take place outside of a traditional office in the future, according to a Lenovo survey. We are in the early stages of shaping the next reality. Still, technology will play a pivotal role in improving our work and transforming our lives, including:

  • Our ability to remove background noises during video calls, such as barking dogs, ambulance sirens, and neighbors’ lawnmowers, is becoming a less-known contribution of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • As well as emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, natural language processing, spatial audio, sensors, and world-facing cameras, employees will continue to collaborate via tools such as Lenovo’s smart collaboration suite. Workplace and workforce concepts will be reshaped in a way that will allow employees to succeed and integrate seamlessly.
  • The augmented reality of the workplace will provide immersive experiences for employees regardless of where they are. ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses, for example, can create interactive training scenarios, multi-screen environments and increase productivity.


Telehealth has been predicted for two years now. Since the pandemic has gripped the country, telehealth has been implemented at warp speed. Both consumers and healthcare providers accept these options, which were missing back then. Telehealth has become more acceptable among patients and healthcare professionals. We expect to see healthcare increasingly adopt a digital mode as wearable technology, voice assistants, and increased connectivity become more common. As insurance becomes more affordable, predictive models will provide better prevention, and wearable devices with proactive recommendations will lead to better health outcomes.

As patients adopt these technologies, AI will allow health care providers and patients to provide more accurate, personalized virtual assistance. Virtual care will integrate patient rounds at remote hospitals and home-based care from afar. Monitoring vital signs and educating participants on healthy lifestyles and habits will be easier. In addition to workflows, evaluation tools, and workstation solutions, healthcare workers will also benefit from them. Progress in the development of AI technology will help advance precision medicine and targeted drugs, resulting in a more individualized healthcare experience.

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.