
Technology vs. Paper and Pencil

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Since the advent of the Internet and related technologies, like social media, higher learning institutions have innovatively increased access to education beyond the brick-and-mortar lecture halls. Today, every university and community college maintains an online portal for registering people and virtual spaces where students and instructors interact in the teaching and learning process. In essence, technology has revolutionized learning by introducing advantages unavailable in paper and pencil learning.

Access to Robust Content

Unlike the use of paper and pencil that is most evident in physical lecture halls, virtual learning spaces provide students with a robust learning environment beyond their college or university. For example, a student listening to a lecture via a virtual space can easily research content via the Internet, unlike one listening to a professor in a physical lecture hall. This advantage ensures that students can benefit from various experts, including professors, scholars, and professionals who write articles on different topics.


Technology in education has increased convenience for both students and lecturers. In a context where students use paper and pencil, such as a physical lecture hall or a physical library, the ability to study from one’s comfort is limited. Ideally, the student and the lecturer must make a real effort to appear in the physical location. In contrast, the use of online learning portals provides students and lecturers the freedom to participate in the teaching and learning process from anywhere at any time.

Easy Documentation of Content

A teaching and learning process that requires the use of paper and pencil is burdensome because both the lecturer and the student must maintain a record of what they teach and learn, respectively. These records are not safe because of many factors, such as fire hazards, and one may find difficulty accessing them for future reference. However, using technology eliminates this risk because students can always access what lecturers have taught them by simply clicking the mouse of their computers.


In a physical lecture hall where students use paper and pencil to document what they learn from the lecturer, one must maintain maximum concentration to get the right content. Students who cannot concentrate fully may write down content different from what the lecturer delivered. Such learners may perform poorly in a takeaway assignment on such an occasion. However, students can always refer back to the professors’ presentations to get their facts straight where technology is in use.

Tutoring and Writing Centers

Today, many colleges and universities run online tutoring and writing centers to ensure that students with problems comprehending content in the normal learning process can get assistance during their spare time. Most of these online academic support centers use graduate students and professionals as tutors, helping people to develop competency in various areas, such as generating and organizing ideas in essay writing. In turn, there are other legit writing companies, such as, that review the writing needs of students. Therefore, technology has bridged the gap between what institutions offer and students’ need for extra assistance.

In summary, technology has revolutionized education by expanding the space of interaction between students and their instructors. Unlike learning through paper and pencil, virtual learning ensures that students have access to rich content, enjoy convenience, and can document content safely. The increasing popularity of tutoring and writing centers confirms that technology in education is advantageous to paper and pencil.


Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.