
The 8 Best Tips for Speeding up a Slow Streaming Service in UK

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The speed at which streaming consumption is accelerating in the UK is tremendous. With the rising demand for streaming content, the competition in the streaming sector is also getting proactive daily. While it’s a certain fact Netflix is the ruler in the streaming sector of the UK, the rate at which consumers are exhausting its content is fantastic.

Streaming addicts in the UK are seeking new streaming platforms routinely. If you’re also a streaming lover and looking for a streaming platform to enjoy the content, you definitely should surf Howtowatchinuk, this site provides a list of all the streaming sites available in the UK. so you can find a streaming service that fits your browsing needs and improves your free time.

Indeed, streaming is an optimal way of relishing free time. But sometimes, the lagging and buffering we face while streaming is extremely annoying, isn’t it? Although there may be a little we can change if the streaming platform is problematic, we can indeed implement alterations to the condition on our side. You may change the setup, equipment, and settings to optimize the streaming performance of your streaming service.

Enlisted in this article are the 8 tips for accelerating the speed of sluggish streaming platforms in the UK.

The 8 best tips for speeding up a slow streaming service in UK

1. Assess if anyone else is accessing the service at your home

Is your streaming platform generally decent but inconsistent at times? Are there multiple family members who could view streaming from their devices at any particular time?

If that’s so, you may realize that their usage of the bandwidth within your house is slowing your streaming.

Though we wouldn’t support filtering or disconnecting all the other devices whenever you stream your preferred media, you ought to be aware that this is the cause of the issue so you can alter your scheduling or subscription plan accordingly.

While a majority of subscriptions ought to be capable of supporting multiple viewing simultaneous connections, particularly with non-4K qualities, there might be other tasks that restrict or significant downloading occurring in the background which will scatter fast.

Take this step as a demand to examine your connection.

2) Relocate your broadband router

The overall functionality of any wireless connection depends heavily on where the router is positioned. The full extent of your connection might not be reachable if your wifi router is positioned far away.

Therefore, it might be unable to transfer your signal properly hence you experience sluggish streaming. Install the router as close to each of your primary streaming devices as possible to ensure that its maximum range can quickly reach them properly.

Optionally, spend money on devices that really can enhance the network’s operational range, like a range extender, to guarantee that there isn’t a dry point within the home. Additionally, please remember that a router’s maximum range can drop dramatically after 25 feet.

Read the router’s handbook to see how efficient it is. Irrespective of what they advertise, you will be unable to receive a stable 100 Mbps on the opposite end of the house, regardless if you’re close to the network.

3) Download your content

Another alternative entails compromising for a less-than-perfect result, but it can be employed if there is no other alternative. You may pre-download material on a device using streaming platforms or apps, then enjoy it at your convenience.

You may download your streaming content prior thus you’ll be able to enjoy it without delay.

You must evaluate if this feature is offered within the platform (or perhaps in your existing monthly subscription for the platform) and if any constraints might be in operation.

Moreover, you might notice that you only have access to specific devices for this functionality, like smartphones whereas in your smart Television or PC it might need to be fixed.

4) Reduce the Resolution of Your Streaming

To decrease the strain upon your network, it may be better to broadcast at even a lower resolution in some situations. For perspective, 4K material has a transmission that is approximately twice as high as HD content, which can necessitate up to four times much more bandwidth than full HD material.

This can have a significant impact on your streaming experience.

You must also consider what kind of content you are broadcasting. While streaming the magnificent nature shows, you probably would like to increase the definition towards its highest setting, but just an ordinary YouTube clip is a different matter.

Akin to this, with regards to the viewing experience, whatever resolution you choose on a tablet usually only somewhat influences when you watch it through a smart television.

We will only rarely encourage you to reduce the definition of video streaming to something below than usual definition.

5) Update your Applications

If you utilize streaming applications, when was the most recent time you updated them? If a significant time has elapsed, you may discover that certain optimization has yet to take place or that the outdated version needs to operate more effectively with the video you request to stream.

You would probably like to examine the applications on the troublesome devices, but if you’re only monitoring one device, you may check to ensure everything is up to date.

Very often, you’ll notice that apps have already been upgraded automatically. Otherwise, you’ll get a caution when a latency in an update adversely affects efficiency.

It is a simple potential tweak that greatly enhances the streaming experience.

6) Delete Leftover Cache Data

In either regard, you ought to be performing this routinely. Speed improvements could be significant. Open the tools within your operating system or search engine then discover ways to perform it if you have yet to perform it lately or ever. Contemplate defragmenting the PC while you are at it.

Both these practices should be performed weekly.

7) Shift to an Ethernet cable

While cables sometimes seem antiquated, they provide considerably superior efficiency than Wi-Fi. Professional streamers understand it and prefer it.

The connectivity will be simple if you’re watching via your desktop. If not, you must verify whether your smart Television or other streaming device has an ethernet port. If your broadband connection was the cause of the slow speed, this one change could potentially double the speed, which will significantly impact overall streaming.

Unfortunately, this tip can’t be carried on streaming via smartphones.

8) Close unwanted tabs and apps

Clearing the streaming device is indeed essential. Close all browser tabs you might not need, as well as all web pages and other applications you’re not using while streaming.


While some of these alternatives are simpler than others, we typically recommend that you think as to which options you consider are the most pragmatic and valuable for you rather than immediately preceding through the list.

We wish you a great streaming experience in the end!

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.