
The Most Common Forms of Medical Malpractice and How to Protect Yourself

The Most Common Forms of Medical Malpractice and How to Protect Yourself
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In hospitals, providing patients with the wrong medication or dosage can put them at significant risk. These incidents are called medical malpractice. The estimated value of the global medication error reporting market reached $326 million in 2018, with one-third attributed to knowledge-based errors.

Unfortunately, 44,000 to 98,000 people die in the U.S. yearly due to medication errors, making it the eighth leading cause of death nationwide. This trend shows the urgent need for improved systems and processes within healthcare facilities to ensure proper medication intake and delivery. This article aims to inform you about some common forms of medical malpractice and some tips you can use to protect yourself against them.

5 Common Forms of Medical Malpractice

If you have experienced any medical malpractice during your treatment, you can consider seeking professional help from medical malpractice attorneys. They will help you claim compensation for your damages. Below are the five most common types of medical malpractice.

Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

Inaccurate or delayed diagnoses are among the most frequent medical malpractice incidents. According to Modern Healthcare, one-third of claims from 2013 to 2017 fell into this category. Missteps that lead to inaccuracy include improper diagnosis of issues such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke and delayed instrumental testing or physician referrals.

Failure to Treat

Negligence in patient care is one of the common causes of malpractice lawsuits. Failure to treat can take various forms, including not providing instructions for follow-up care, releasing patients too early from the hospital, declining to order necessary medical tests for diagnosis and treatment, and failing to consider a patient’s medical history when prescribing medication. When doctors fail to provide treatment due to being overworked with other patients or needing more resources, they should refer the individual to another healthcare provider who is qualified enough to look into them.

Malpractice During Labor

Birth injuries are an unfortunately frequent case of medical malpractice. Doctors may mistreat the mother and child during labor and delivery, or use excessive force, resulting in potentially catastrophic injuries. These injuries may include cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, or shoulder dystocia. The effect on the child and their family can be severe and long-term. Some injuries might require lifelong care for the child.

Prescription Drug Errors

Prescription drug errors are a type of medication error and can have serious health consequences. They may involve a doctor incorrectly prescribing the wrong medicine or dose. It can also be failing to recognize signs of addiction, abuse, or overdose, identifying potentially dangerous drug interactions or allergic reactions, and giving the wrong medicine to a hospitalized patient. If such an event is caused by pharmacist negligence, it could be liable for causing harm.

Anesthesia Errors

Anesthesia errors are a type of medical malpractice with potentially catastrophic results. An incorrect administration or improper dosage of anesthesia can lead to prolonged and painful medical complications. As such, anesthesiologists must exercise extreme caution when administering anesthesia and be aware of the risks associated with their work.

How To Prevent Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice prevention involves several steps. Including:

● Healthcare providers should be correctly certified and qualified for their roles
● Communication between providers and patients should be improved
● Error detection and correction measures should be implemented
● Medical malpractice insurance can provide financial protection to healthcare providers if a claim is issued.

All of these components can contribute to reducing the likelihood of medical mistakes.


Medical malpractice is a tragic reality in the United States. It leads to injuries and deaths each year. If you or someone close to you has been a victim of medical negligence, you have options. Many resources are available to help protect your rights and ensure fair compensation is received. Don’t go about it alone; utilize the resources available to fight for justice.




About the author

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.

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