
What the Silver Tsunami Means for Business in the US

Russia says fareastern cities on 'alert' due to tsunami risk
Source: Pixabay

There has been a marked rise in the number of people living longer, healthier, and much more fulfilled lives across the globe. With specific regard to the US and the western world, the number of elderly people has increased dramatically. It’s a so-calledsilver tsunami and one that has and will forever change the face of business as we know it. Here are a few ideas as to what all this willmean for modern businesses. Continue reading to learn more.

What Is the Silver Tsunami?

It is important to be clear as to what this term means for this article, as it has been bandied about in the online space and may mean different things to different people.The silver tsunami refers to the increase in the elderly who are healthier and a whole lot more active than ever before, making them more visible and involved in mainstream society. It is one of the biggest opportunities experienced by modern businesses and the Silver Tsunami has been argued to be one of the biggest marketing sectors in the world.

The Types of Businesses That Are Most Affected

Care and Residential Homes

The rise in the variety of places to stay and the sheer increase in the demand for these places for elderly people to stay has created a huge market. You do need to be sure, however, of the standards that are required to be successful in this field. Places like have set the tone and show what kind of standards and facilities are required.

Shopping and Delivery

Residential care and staying at home for as long as possible are the top choices for the elderly. This has come to mean the increased level and type of care required. One of the key aspects and opportunities for US business has been in the shopping and delivery of groceries, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and more. The logistics sector has simply exploded concerning home and residential home delivery of food, and living essentials daily for those who have chosen not to live in a full-time care or residential home.

Health and Wellness

It makes logical business sense that, as we see the increase in the number of elderly people, we have subsequently seen an increase in those who want to be able to access improved health and wellness. From the simple smart wearable health tech (watches and monitors) to the more bespoke gym and fitness programs and trainers,the doors are open for businesspeople to provide access, advice, and assistance to the elderly that want to stay healthy for as long as possible.

These are but three of the top opportunities that have opened up for business in the US and in fact across the globe. The more elderly people that we have in society the more visible they will become and, as such, there will be an ongoing need to meet their needs as a specific sector with their own needs and demands from business.

About the author

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.

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