
How To Organise Your Closet In 3 Simple Steps

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If you’re a fan of fashion, or just enjoy expressing yourself through your appearance, then you might have lots of fascinating pieces in your closet.

And while it’s always a great idea to have different options on hand for every occasion, there is such as thing as too much. So if you find that you have far too many clothing items and accessories – to the point where things are in piles on the floor instead of on hangers – the situation may call for an immediate closet re-organization.

Here are 3 simple steps to organize your closet.

1 . Purge Your Closet

The first thing you need to do is take everything out of your closet and assess each piece. And we mean everything; from your favorite stained sweater down to socks with holes at the toe.

A great way to initially tackle this step is to declutter your clothing and accessories by category. Separate your clothing into individual piles and then comb through it all with a fine-toothed comb.

The next thing you need to do during this step is to ask yourself whether the item of clothing you’re holding sparks any joy. If it does, and you know it’ll be useful, then you should keep it. But if the item doesn’t make you happy – it’s time to get rid of it!

This step seems a little harsh but it is a completely necessary part of organizing your closet. If it doesn’t make you happy, what’s the point of keeping it in your closet where it is taking up space?

A process of elimination will give you the ability to figure out which tools you want to keep and which ones you want to toss.

2 . Figure Out Storage Systems

Once you have narrowed down your ‘keep’ pile, you should be faced with far fewer items than you had before. This is excellent as it means you’ll only be keeping the clothing and accessories that you love, which will likely equal a much more satisfying organization process.

While it’s quite easy to organize clothing in your closet to maximize your space, it’s also extremely important to learn the best ways to store purses and other accessories to keep things clean.

Your next step for effectively organizing your closet is finding efficient ways and systems to use to store smaller, more specific items. It may seem a little bit too over-the-top but if you take the time to implement relevant storage systems in your room, you’ll be reaping the benefits!

  • Buy a shoe rack to keep your most worn shoes safe and off the floorthis is ideal if you have a jordan shoes list .
  • Use an over-the-door shoe holder with clear pockets to store smaller items and jewelry (or whatever you want.)
  • Metal or plastic bins could help you to group together accessories like socks or stockings without taking up too much space.
  • Use hooks to keep purses and belts hanging in one place.

The key to using this step to organize your closet is finding effective systems that work well with you and your lifestyle so that you can maintain your new organizational habits for the long term.

3 . Make It Look Neat

Now you can see your bedroom floor again, your next step is figuring out the right ways to store items. This is where you might begin to struggle, especially if you aren’t a professional organizer.

If you have some drawers in your closet, you should fold your clothes into rectangular shapes and then lay them in an accordion style to achieve maximum efficiency. This will also make it easier for you to identify a specific piece of clothing (or a particular accessory.)

You should also work to categorize your clothing. Feel free to use hangers to hang your favorite pants with other similar pairs, different types of jeans together, and even shirts together with other shirts.

Nothing says chaos like a mismatched collection of plastic and metal hangers in your closet. If keeping your closet organized in a streamlined way is really important to you then you might want to opt for coordinating hangers.

Color families are also important. If you can keep all items in their categories based on color, you will be more visually organized too.


Whether your closet is the size of a department store or a postage stamp, it is always important to keep organization at your core. You must make sure to implement and maintain any positive organizational habits that you have created to keep your space as clutter-free as possible.

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.

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