
Dutch security researcher hacked Trump’s Twitter account

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According to a report, a Dutch security researcher logged into Donald Trump’s Twitter account last week and revealed the account password “maga2020!”. Donald Trump, the president of the United States, is an active user on Twitter with 87 million followers from around the globe. According to the Dutch security researcher, Donald Trump’s Twitter account had an extremely weak password, which the researcher was easily able to guess. The Dutch security researcher also revealed that Donald Trump did not have two-step verification on his account. Did Trump’s Twitter account get hacked?

“Don’t ever use the word smart with me” – Donald Trump.

Dutch security researcher logged into Trump’s Twitter account

Victor Gevers, the Dutch security researcher was able to access Donald Trump’s personal messages on Twitter. He also had the power to post tweets in his name and alter the contents of his profile. Victor Gevers also took screenshots from his device, portraying that he did indeed have access to Donald Trump’s account. The screenshots compelled Dutch security experts to recognize the Dutch security researcher’s claims as credible and valid.

After Gever’s claim, the Dutchman promptly alerted Donald Trump and the American government services regarding the security break. A few days after this, Victor Gevers was contacted by the American Secret Service in the Netherlands. American Secret Service is responsible for ensuring the technological security of Donald Trump, therefore they took this tip seriously. They also intensified security protocols of Trump’s social media accounts.

Screenshot of Trump’s Twitter account (by Victor Gevers)

Twitter denied any comment on this hack. The Twitter representative issued the following statement, “We’ve seen no evidence to corroborate this claim, including from the article published in the Netherlands today. We proactively implemented account security measures for a designated group of high-profile, election-related Twitter accounts in the United States, including federal branches of government.”

Password: maga2020!

Dutch hackers have also hacked into Donald Trump’s account before. The first time this happened was four years ago, a few days before the presidential election of 2016. A group of three hackers logged into Trump’s account. The group also included Gever, this is the second time a Dutch security researcher managed to hack Trump’s Twitter account!

During the presidential election of 2016, Russian hackers also tried to influence the elections on a massive scale. In the past four years, measures have been taken to prevent manipulation via social media. Rumors also suggest that attempts are being made currently from Russia and Iran to digitally manipulate the 2020 presidential election.

Twitter users are finding this hack immensely humorous. One user tweeted, So Donald Trump’s known passwords have been “yourefired” (his literally trademark catchphrase of several years) and “maga2020!”, a variation of his campaign slogan. I suppose the next one will be “lockhimup”. Or maybe “notmuch” or “noresponsibility”.

Ronald Prins, a popular security expert in the Netherlands, told the press, “I have known Victor Gevers for a number of years. He has a reputation for dedicating his life to looking for vulnerabilities and always takes a very ethical stance. After what I know and have seen, his claim seems credible. “

Here’s how Twitter react to the hack

The Daily Beast reporter said this on Twitter, “New: a Twitter spokesperson casts doubt on claims from a Dutch security researcher that he was able to log into Trump’s account: “We’ve seen no evidence to corroborate this claim, including from the article published in the Netherlands today. He added, “We proactively implemented account security measures for a designated group of high-profile, election-related Twitter accounts in the United States, including federal branches of government.”

Will Sommer said, “Lots of reasons to be skeptical of the story that a Dutch hacker accessed Trump’s Twitter account”.

David Steen, Ph.D. wrote, “People are typing in trump slogans and gaining access to his twitter account. 2-step verification wasn’t activated. I know there’s a lot to be flabbergasted about but…”

Dead Pixel tweeted, Trump’s Twitter password was “maga2020”. Trump supporters. You really trust this guy with national security when he can’t even look after a Twitter account?

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.