
Mortal Kombat mobile players frustrated with ‘Open Fail’ error

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Based on several reports, numerous players of Mortal Kombat on mobile are facing the ‘Open Fail’ error while trying to play the game.

Mortal Kombat Mobile, a fighting game created by NetherRealm Studios, has gained significant popularity.

The game’s 8th-anniversary celebration has commenced, which permits players to receive free Diamond characters and Souls by logging into the game daily. Nonetheless, players are dissatisfied as they are unable to partake in the anniversary celebration events.

Social media reports of Mortal Kombat Mobile ‘Open Fail’ error, players urge WB Games for a fix

It seems that these players are encountering difficulties in progressing through the game after acquiring the free Diamond characters and Souls. After receiving an “Open Fail” error message, the game reportedly crashes.

This problem has been ongoing for the past few days and has yet to be resolved. Consequently, gamers are feeling frustrated and irritated, and many have expressed their displeasure on social media.

“For us missing the anniversary celebration, because of the open fail glitch. I really hope they compensate well or bring back some sales for us,” said one player.

“@WBGamesSupport help I can’t play for 3 days and I’m losing everything from the anniversary ☠️ I have the Open Fail error, I’m an Android user and nothing can fix it,” said another person.

According to a gamer’s statement, their game crashed after viewing an in-game advertisement. Upon restarting the game, they encountered the “Open Fail” error message, and they are currently unable to click on any in-game buttons or options.

Official acknowledgement of the issue

Players have started urging WB Games to address this problem promptly.

Thankfully, the WB Games Support team on Twitter has acknowledged the problem and is presently investigating it. However, there is no official timeline for when the bug fix will be released.

We hope that the developers will resolve this bug soon.

The error could be due to a software bug, server-related issues, or an error in the game’s code.

Here are some possible ways to fix the error:

  • Updating the game
  • Clearing the game cache
  • Contacting customer support
  • Restarting the device
  • Reinstalling the game
Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.