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Solar storm to make Northern Lights visible in multiple US States

Northern Lights solar storm
Source: Pixabay

According to forecasters, a solar storm is expected to generate visibility of the Northern Lights in 17 states throughout the United States on Thursday. The Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks predicts that the aurora borealis, a stunning natural phenomenon typically observed in northern areas such as Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia, will be observable in states located farther south than usual.

On Thursday, people in Indiana and Maryland might catch a glimpse of the captivating displays of lights. The forecasted “highly active auroral displays” will be readily observable in Alaska, Washington, Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, New York, New Hampshire, and Maine. Additionally, the lights will be visible near the horizon in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Indiana, and Maryland.

This occurrence of the aurora borealis lights is a consequence of the interaction between a magnetic solar wind and the Earth‘s magnetic field. As the 11-year solar cycle progresses towards an expected peak in 2024, these lights will become visible in more southern states.


About the author

Brendan Taylor

Brendan Taylor was a TV news producer for 5 and a half years. He is an experienced writer. Brendan covers Breaking News at Insider Paper.

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