Top 10

Top 10 Foods To Have For Strong Immune System

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I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that: keeping your immune system strong requires eating some particular type of food. Although there are numerous reasons why you need to strengthen your immune system, one major reason is that it helps to prevent infectious diseases. In case you’re wondering about the type of food that can help you achieve a healthy living, you need not worry too much. That’s because we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll be showing you the top 10 foods that you need to consider for a strong immune system. You can also try SmarterVitamins which you’ll get the same health benefit and protection you need.

Top 10 foods to boost Immune System

10- Turmeric

Turmeric, yellowish in color is one of our top 10 foods for building a strong immune system. We are choosing it because of its evidence-based health benefits. Turmeric is highly medicinal, and that’s because it contains bioactive compounds called curcuminoids.

One essential component of the curcuminoids is curcumin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. So, by consuming turmeric, you tend to boost your immune system.

9- Mushrooms

Mushrooms have a lot of nutritional values that can help to build the body’s immune systems. Also, you can achieve a lot of health benefits by consuming them. One of them is that they help to improve digestion in the body. Apart from that, they are a good source of antioxidants, which helps to maintain a longer and healthier life. In addition, mushrooms are also effective in helping the body fight against cancer.


8- Purple Potatoes

Purple Potato is also one of our top 10 foods for a strong immune system. Apart from strengthening the body with antioxidants, purple potatoes also provide the body with natural chemicals called anthocyanin, which helps to kill cancers. Furthermore, purple potatoes are also effective for blood sugar.

7- Nuts

Nuts, including walnuts, almonds, cashews, and many more, provide the body with vitamin E, fatty acids, zinc, and omega 3. They also provide the body with polyphenols, which help to boost the body’s immune system against cancer.

6- Garlic

Garlic is a popular food supplement that helps to strengthen the body system against diseases. Its ability to protect the body comes from its high concentration of sulphuric compounds, especially allicin. Besides that, it is also essential to the body, as it helps to slow down the hardening of the arteries.


5- Green Tea

Green tea is also one of our top 10 foods for building a strong immune system. With its low caffeine content, it contains flavonoids, which help to prevent the body from the risk of cold. To learn more about green tea, visit Zest Tea.

4- Oranges

Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps to boost the human system against cold symptoms.

3- Tomatoes

Tomato is on our top 10 foods for a strong immune system because of its high concentration of vitamin C. Besides that, cooked tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps to boost the body’s immune system against cancer.

2- Spinach

Spinach is a type of food that’s good for the entire body system. It provides the body with vitamin C, which helps to prevent the body from cold symptoms. Apart from that, it is also packed with fibers, which help to regulate digestion.


1- Oysters

Lastly on our top 10 foods for a strong immune system is Oysters. They contain a high concentration of zinc, which helps to protect the body against viruses.

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.