
How to disable or get ‘Soundboard’ feature on Discord

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Multiple Discord users are searching how to disable or remove ‘Soundboard’ feature due to loudness and misuse by some individuals.

The Soundboard feature on Discord has been highly requested for some time now, enabling users to play a variety of sounds and audio clips while gaming or engaging in voice conversations. It’s essentially a compilation of music, sound effects, and other audio files that can be activated with the push of a button.

Reports of users looking to disable or get ‘Soundboard’ feature on Discord

The recently expanded availability of the Soundboard feature on Discord is receiving a mixed reaction from users. While some appreciate its inclusion, others are finding it annoying.

The feature is particularly appealing to content creators, gamers, and Discord server administrators who want to elevate their users’ experience.

However, this feature is currently in an experimental phase and is only available to a select few communities on desktop. More users will have access to it in the future, but for now, it’s a waiting game.

“Hello, I’m trying to access the new soundboard feature for my server but do not see it anywhere in the server settings or where you pull up the call and see everyone’s avatars. How do I activate it?” reported one user.

Potential workarounds to turn off or get access to ‘Soundboard’ feature

Although there isn’t currently an option to completely disable the ‘Soundboard’ feature, users can silence it by adjusting the ‘Soundboard Volume’ slider to zero:

  • Navigate to User Settings
  • Select Voice & Video, then Soundboard
  • Move the Soundboard Volume slider to 0%, and no Soundboard sounds will be audible.

Users are currently experiencing inconvenience due to the absence of the Discord Soundboard feature on mobile devices, leaving them unable to mute the sounds. Nevertheless, there is a workaround available that requires using the desktop application:

According to the Discord support team’s Twitter account, they are in the process of making the Soundboard feature available to all users. Although it will not be immediately available on all servers. Users are advised to be patient while waiting for the feature to be rolled out.

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.