Tech and Science

iOS 13.5 Issue: Already Recently Updated Apps Asking To Be Updated Again

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A few days ago, Apple rolled out its iOS 13.5, and it comes with a lot of great features. That includes being able to integrate Apple’s coronavirus contact tracing. Also, the new iOS update comes with several fixes to high-profile bug issues. However, it looks like the new update hasn’t been great for some iOS 13.5 users, as they have started complaining about an issue. According to users’ reports, their already recently updated apps show back as pending updates on Apple’s App Store

iOS 13.5 Users Complain About An Unusual Issue

iOS 13.5 users have started complaining about facing an issue with the latest update. According to them, they are facing an unusual bug issue with the Apple’s App Store, where it keeps telling them to update their apps, despite being already recently updated. Let’s have a quick look at what a Reddit user posted, concerning the issue below:

“Just went to my App Store to check for any app updates and a few showed up even though they’re showing up as the previous version which I updated days ago. Anyone else experiencing this? I wonder if this is an apple server issue.”

Another user posted:

“After swiping to refresh, 21 out of 42 apps popped up with “old” updates. I had already updated these apps on those dates. Updated to iOS 13.5 a few days ago…Is this a bug? Why are these apps needing to be updated again?”

However, it looks like this particular iOS 13.5 bug issue is not affecting all users that already recently updated their apps. That’s because a user has posted about not experiencing any issue related to it. Have a look at if below:

“I updated them all and all of them worked for me fine!”

What Causes The Issue?

Presently, we are yet to hear anything from Apple on iOS 13.5 issue. However, some affected users are already suggesting the cause of the bug. According to them, it might be as a result of the recent “This app is no longer shared with you” issue, hindering users from updating some certain apps expected they offload and reinstall them. We are still uncertain as to the cause of the issue. Whatever the reason, there’s a high chance that Apple is already addressing the iOS 13.5 issue, alongside that of “This app is no longer shared with you”.

We’ll keep an eye on Apple’s latest development relating to the iOS 13.5 issue. As soon as we hear anything, you’ll be the first to know about it.

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.