Games News

Far Cry 7 release date, story details, leaks and rumors

Far Cry 7: What we know so far about the release date and gameplay
Source: Nicepng

The Far Cry games have made good sales but players have liked them less and less since Far Cry 3. Far Cry 6 was a low point. Far Cry 7 has a big challenge: making its antagonist interesting. In the past, villains like Vaas Montenegro made the games exciting. But now, Far Cry 7 needs to do something different with its bad guy to stand out. Rumors say Far Cry 7 will be about rescuing your family, who gets kidnapped. Let’s find out more about the release date, story leaks, and rumors for Far Cry 7.

Expected Far Cry 7 release date

Insider Gaming has shared some insights about Ubisoft’s upcoming Far Cry game. It is known internally as Project Blackbird and tentatively titled Far Cry 7. It’s expected to hit the shelves in Fall 2025, with Ubisoft Montreal at the helm of development. Interestingly, the game will bid farewell to the Dunia engine, switching instead to Snowdrop.

Earlier, there was a leak suggesting the game would be called “Far Cry: Rise”. And it woud be set on a fictional island named Kimsan in the Yellow Sea near Korea. However, Insider Gaming’s sources have debunked this leak, labeling it as entirely inaccurate. Therefore, we won’t be going further into details from this rumor.

Far Cry 7 Gameplay

The franchise has been renowned for its open-ended gameplay, which provides players with multiple options to achieve their objectives. The game seamlessly blends traditional Far Cry gameplay with arcade-style elements. And it encourages players to use stealth tactics while also facilitating aggressive approaches. Unlike previous titles, players are not required to remain quiet during missions.

Even if players are detected, the mission can still be completed successfully. Additionally, the game’s destructible physics aren’t just limited to bodies. Players can throw stones at enemies or even dead fish, causing them to react accordingly. These unique features make for a truly immersive gameplay experience.

Far Cry’s antagonist will be a big deal

The antagonist in Far Cry 7 is expected to play a crucial role, as the game’s plot reportedly centers around their actions. Recent leaks suggest that the antagonist will be more central to the game than in previous Far Cry titles, with players needing to rescue their kidnapped family members before a countdown timer runs out.

If these leaks are accurate, the antagonist will need to be exceptionally captivating, as the entire storyline hinges on their efforts to disrupt the protagonist’s life. They must possess enough charisma and presence to convince players of the threat they pose, compelling them to act quickly to save their in-game family. Additionally, interactions between the player and the antagonist may vary depending on the player’s success, making the antagonist’s performance and characterization critical to the player’s engagement with the game.


According to sources, Far Cry 7 will feature a non-linear storyline focusing on the player’s mission to rescue their kidnapped family. The plot centers around a wealthy family abducted by a group known as the ‘Sons of Truth’. Players will gather information in various ways to locate them, but the enemy may provide false information. Achieving 100% completion will require saving all family members. While specific details may change during development, players must rescue their entire family within a set time limit.

There might be time limit

The game is said to have a time limit. Currently, the in-game timer is set at 72 hours, or 24 real-time hours, but it can be paused when the player seeks refuge in safehouses. While some find this innovative, others are skeptical. One of the appeals of Far Cry games is the freedom to explore and progress at your own pace. The rumored time limit in Far Cry 7 presents a potential challenge, as it may be too restrictive in a series known for offering players multiple approaches. Striking a delicate balance is important, as the game risks alienating players if the time limit feels too intrusive.

In Far Cry 6, players experienced a familiar loop of unlocking sections of the world map while earning upgrades and abilities. For Far Cry 7 to break free from any negative perceptions of Ubisoft’s open-world design, it must ensure that the rumored time limit enhances rather than detracts from the overall experience. It should be well-balanced, allowing players to explore and engage with the game world freely while still feeling the pressure of the time limit.

With its immersive gameplay and attention to detail, Far Cry 7 is shaping up to be another thrilling addition to the beloved franchise. As we wait for its tentative release date, let’s look forward to better gameplay and next-gen features.

This article was updated on March 16, 2024 with latest information.


About the author

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.

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