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VIDEO: Hardware store on fire after grenade attack in Cabimas, Venezuela

grenade attack Hardware store Cabimas Venezuela

A fire has broken out at a reputable hardware store in Cabimas, Venezuela. The Cabimas fire department responded promptly to the reports and rushed to the hardware store in order to subdue the flames. The hardware store is located on Independencia avenue, La Vereda de Cabimas sector.

Currently, the area surrounding the hardware store has been cordoned by the authorities. The cause behind the fire remains unknown. Neighbors have told the press that they heard detonation sounds of two grenades, this news of a grenade attack has not yet been confirmed by the authorities. It is speculated that the fire could also have erupted from a short circuit due to recent rains in Cabimas, Venezuela. Investigation by the authority is underway.

Video of fire from Cabimas, Venezuela

The videos surfacing on social media show the hardware store engulfed in flames and heavy black clouds. The hardware store in Cabimas is located on the north-west edge of Venezuela. People who were in the close vicinity of the hardware store at the time claim that the store was attacked by two grenades. However, no such news has been confirmed yet.

Reports suggest that two para-military groups in support with genocidal drug traffickers threw the two grenades at the hardware store. The hardware store has been identified as “Feinca”. People claim that the owners are honest and hardworking individuals who refused to pay for the vaccine promoted by these para-military groups. The owners have sustained multiple injuries as a result of the massive fire.

About the author

Saman Iqbal

Saman is a law student. She enjoys writing about tech, politics and the world in general. She's an avid reader and writes fictional prose in her free time.

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