Tech and Science

List of 184 companies boycotting Facebook ads

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The number of companies saying they will be boycotting ads on Facebook continues to rise after showing support for the #StopHateForProfit” campaign. The critics accused the social network of not doing enough to combat misinformation and racism on the platform.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg conducted a Livestream session on Friday, in which he said the social media company will change its policies to restrict hate speech in its ads, but he didn’t point out boycotting of companies directly.

#StopHateForProfit campaign

Civil rights groups, including the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League, launched the #StopHateForProfit campaign on June 17, pressuring large companies like Coco-Cola, Unilever to halt ads with a platform (Facebook) they say doesn’t stop “bad actors using the platform to do harm” at least for a month.

According to data, Facebook generated $69.7 billion from ads last year, just behind Google as the second-largest digital marketer.

Facebook Inc stock dropped more than 8% on Friday.

UPDATE: Starbucks is the latest company to join the boycott backed by civil rights groups to condemn Facebook and other social media websites’ failure to remove hate speech from their platforms.

“We will pause advertising on all social media platforms while we continue discussions internally, with our media partners and with civil rights organizations in the effort to stop the spread of hate speech,” Starbucks said in a statement on Sunday.

“We believe more must be done to create welcoming and inclusive online communities, and we believe both business leaders and policymakers need to come together to affect real change,” the coffee giant added in its statement.

Here we present you the list of companies that appeared on news reports saying that they will join #StopHateForProfit campaign and boycott Facebook ads.

List of companies boycotting Facebook ads

  1. Honda
  2. Unilever
  3. Hershey
  4. Verizon Communications
  5. Coca-Cola
  6. Pepsi
  7. Diageo Plc
  8.  Levi Strauss
  9. Diamond Foundry
  10. Patagonia
  11. Ben & Jerry’s Homemade
  12. The North Face
  13. REI
  14. Viber
  15. Upwork Inc.
  16. Eileen Fisher
  17. JanSport
  18. Arc’teryx
  19. Dashlane
  20. Eddie Bauer
  21. Magnolia Pictures
  22. Starbucks

UPDATED LIST: Facebook’s advertiser revolt widens. Now there are 184 companies that are boycotting Facebook ads:

| 1   | &Pizza                             | @andpizza                     |
|  2  | 50/50innertainment                 | @5050recordlabel              |
|  3  | acnb churches                      | @acnbchurch                   |
|  4  | adafruit industries                | @adafruit                     |
|  5  | Adventure Journal                  | @adventurevida                |
|  6  | Affirm                             | @Affirm                       |
|  7  | Annual Reviews                     | @AnnualReviews                |
|  8  | Arc'teryx                          | @Arcteryx                     |
|  9  | Arcanist Press                     | @ArcanistPress                |
|  10 | Arka Pana Consulting               | @arkapanallc                  |
|  11 | Artbees Software                   | @artbeessofrtware             |
|  12 | Aspen Snowmass                     | @AspenSnowmass                |
|  13 | Astral Cycling                     | astralcycling                 |
|  14 | Atlas Pet Company                  | @atlaspetco                   |
|  15 | Audio Network                      | @audionetwork                 |
|  16 |                  | @BabyEcoTrends                |
|  17 | BarkingIronsSpirits                | @BISpirits                    |
|  18 | Beam Suntory                       | @beamsuntory                  |
|  19 | Bela Monde                         | belamonde                     |
|  20 | Ben & Jerry's                      | @benandjerrys                 |
|  21 | Birchbox                           | @birchbox                     |
|  22 | Blue Shield of CA                  | @blueshieldCA                 |
|  23 | Blue State                         | @bluestate                    |
|  24 | Blurry Bits Photography            | @BlurryBitsPhoto              |
|  25 | Brillies Sunglasses                |                   |
|  26 | Bwritr                             | @BwritrSarl                   |
|  27 | Center for Artistic Activism       | thecc4aa                      |
|  28 | ChangeAgencyMarketing              | @changeagencym                |
|  29 | Chubbies Burgers                   | chubbieshawaii                |
|  30 | CityAdvisor                        | @city_advisor                 |
|  31 | Climate Ride                       | @ClimateRide                  |
|  32 | Coca-Cola                          | @CocaCola                     |
|  33 | Coffe Cat                          | coffeecatscottsvalley         |
|  34 | Collecteurs                        | collecteurs                   |
|  35 | Concrete Junglists                 | concretejunglists             |
|  36 | Cooking Vinyl                      | @CookingVinyl                 |
|  37 | Coolidge Corner Theatre            | @thecoolidge                  |
|  38 | cove.tool                          | @cove_tool                    |
|  39 | Craft Delivery                     | @craftdelivery                |
|  40 | CTL                                | @ctlcorp                      |
|  41 | Dam Good English Muffins           | No Twitter                    |
|  42 | Dashlane                           | @dashlane                     |
|  43 | datadotworld                       | @datadotworld                 |
|  44 | daviesnow                          | @DaviesNow                    |
|  45 | Dermatonics                        | @dermatonics                  |
|  46 | DETH KULT                          | @deth_kult                    |
|  47 | Diageo News                        | @Diageo_News                  |
|  48 | Diamond Foundry                    | @DiamondFoundry               |
|  49 | Dockers                            | @Dockers                      |
|  50 | Doug "Bear" Hazard                 | @BearlyDoug                   |
|  51 | Earthjustice                       | @Earthjustice                 |
|  52 | ecoRI News                         | @ecoRInews                    |
|  53 | Eddie Bauer                        | @eddiebauer                   |
|  54 | Edinburgh Events                   | @edinbughevents               |
|  55 | EILEEN FISHER                      | @EILEENFISHERNY               |
|  56 | Emory Goizueta                     | @EmoryGoizueta                |
|  57 | Engaged Academics                  | @EngagedAcademic              |
|  58 | Envy CBD                           | envycbd                       |
|  59 | Equal Entrance                     | @EqualEntrance                |
|  60 | fcuk                               | fcuk                          |
|  61 | Final Touch Powerwashing           | @Finaltouchpw                 |
|  62 | FINCA                              | fincaintl                     |
|  63 | findmjca                           | @findmjca                     |
|  64 | Freche Freunde                     | frechefreunde                 |
|  65 | French Connection US               | @FC_US                        |
|  66 | Friends Journal                    | @friendsjournal               |
|  67 |                       | @FSAstore                     |
|  68 | Gerardo                            | @fortiuscoaching              |
|  69 | Gigrev                             | @gigrev                       |
|  70 | GIN - Greater Inflight Network     | @greaterinflight              |
|  71 | Goodby Silverstein                 | @GSP                          |
|  72 | Grüne Fraktion SH                  | gruenefraktionsh              |
|  73 | Guideline                          | @Guideline401k                |
|  74 | Habitat_org                        | @Habitat_org                  |
|  75 | Haute Hijab                        | @HauteHijab                   |
|  76 | Haven Life                         | @HavenLifeInsure              |
|  77 | HBCU 20x20                         | hbcu20x20                     |
|  78 | Higher Ground                      | @highergtv                    |
|  79 | HigherRing                         | @HigherRing                   |
|  80 | Honda                              | @Honda                        |
|  81 | Houdini Sportswear                 | @HoudiniSports                |
|  82 | iHerb                              | @iHerb                        |
|  83 | Indivisible49                      | indivisible49                 |
|  84 | Ipsun Solar                        | @IpsunSolar                   |
|  85 | Jackhammer Chicago                 | jackhammer_chicago            |
|  86 | JanSport                           | @JanSport                     |
|  87 | Joli Cameleon                      | jolicameleon                  |
|  88 | Kindernothilfe e.V.                | kindernothilfe                |
|  89 | Knowable Magazine                  | @KnowableMag                  |
|  90 | Kong Inc.                          | @thekonginc                   |
|  91 | Kush Queen                         | @KushQueenShop                |
|  92 | Kylie McMullan                     | @KylieMcMullan                |
|  93 | Las Vegas Food and Wine Festival   | @VegasFoodWine                |
|  94 | Laurus                             | @laurusofficial               |
|  95 |                         | @IoLawgate                    |
|  96 | LendingClub                        | @LendingClub                  |
|  97 | Levi's®                            | @LEVIS                        |
|  98 | Lifestraw                          | @lifestraw                    |
|  99 | Limeade                            | @Limeade                      |
| 100 | Lo & Behold Naturals               | @LoandBeholdNC                |
| 101 | Local Postal                       | @localpostal                  |
| 102 | Lockdowneconomy - UK               | @Lockdowneconom1              |
| 103 | Lulu Carpenter's                   | lulucarpenters                |
| 104 | lululemon                          | @lululemon                    |
| 105 | Madison Johnston                   | thriving_with_madison         |
| 106 | Magnolia Pictures                  | @MagnoliaPics                 |
| 107 | Make Workshop                      | No Twitter                    |
| 108 | Manelik                            | @manelikmusic                 |
| 109 | Matte PR                           | @MatteStories                 |
| 110 | MEC                                | @mec                          |
| 111 | Meeting House Tavern               | meetinghousetavernchi         |
| 112 | Mellow Monkey                      | mellowmonkeydecor             |
| 113 | Menlo Jazzercise                   | @MenloJazzercise              |
| 114 | Mindful QA                         | @MindfulQA                    |
| 115 | Modern Farmer                      | @ModFarm                      |
| 116 | Mordd IndyMedia                    | @Mordd_IndyMedia              |
| 117 | Mozilla                            | @mozilla                      |
| 118 | Nonbeenary Designs                 | No twitter                    |
| 119 | Nouveau Vanguard                   | nouvaeu_vanguard              |
| 120 | NRDC                               | @NRDC                         |
| 121 | OpenWorksBmore                     | @OpenWorksBmore               |
| 122 | Ornotbike                          | @Ornotbike                    |
| 123 | Owen Parnell                       |          |
| 124 | Paso Robles Health Food            | pasorobleshealthfood          |
| 125 | Patagonia                          | @patagonia                    |
| 126 | Patagonia Provisions               | @PatagoniaProv                |
| 127 | Peace Coffee                       | @Peace_Coffee                 |
| 128 | PearBudget                         | @pearbudget                   |
| 129 | Peter Togel                        | @ptogel                       |
| 130 | PLAZM                              | @PlazmMagazine                |
| 131 | Read Between the Wines Pocast BBC  | @podcastwine                  |
| 132 | Rebelicious                        | rebelicious_de                |
| 133 | Reformation                        | @Reformation                  |
| 134 | REI                                | @REI                          |
| 135 | ReVision Energy                    | @revisionsolar                |
| 136 | Rolf Prima                         | rolfprima                     |
| 137 | Rory Lancman, NY Councilman        | @RoryLancman                  |
| 138 | Sage Welding and Fabrication       | sageweldingandfab             |
| 139 | Sagely Naturals                    | @Sagely_Naturals              |
| 140 | Secret Aardvark                    | No Twitter                    |
| 141 | Shake Bristol                      | shakebristol                  |
| 142 | SharperTrades                      | @SharperTrades                |
| 143 | Skirack Vermont                    | @skirackvt                    |
| 144 | Snap Supply                        | snapsupplyllc                 |
| 145 | Social Fresh                       | @socialfresh                  |
| 146 | Social Work Test Prep              | @socialworkprep               |
| 147 | Somoto Canyon Tours                | @SomotoCanyon1                |
| 148 | Sortyourfuture                     | @sortyourfuture               |
| 149 | Source                             | @tothesource_com              |
| 150 | SparkCharge                        | @sparkcharge                  |
| 151 | Spiders and Milk                   | @spidersandmilk               |
| 152 | Starbucks Coffee                   | @Starbucks                    |
| 153 | Starfishman                        | @StarfishmanHero              |
| 154 | SVB                                | @ShaunaVanBogart              |
| 155 | TalkSpace                          | |
| 156 | The Carbon Literacy Project        | @Carbon_Literacy              |
| 157 | The Hershey Company                | @HersheyCompany               |
| 158 | The Jewish Board                   | @jewishboard                  |
| 159 | The North Face                     | @thenorthface                 |
| 160 | The Ocean Registry                 | @oceanregistry                |
| 161 | The Ratti Report                   | @TheRattiReport               |
| 162 | The Sofo Tap                       | thesofotap                    |
| 163 | The Taplow Group S.A.              | @TaplowGroup                  |
| 164 | Thriving Design                    | @Thriving_Design              |
| 165 | TrashPandasTVOfficial              | @paxilrose89                  |
| 166 |                   | @curatedtrips                 |
| 167 | UnileverUSA                        | @unileverusa                  |
| 168 | UNLIT® The Hangover Recovery Drink | @unlitdrinks                  |
| 169 | Upwork                             | @Upwork                       |
| 170 | Veganz                             | veganz                        |
| 171 | Verizon                            | @Verizon                      |
| 172 | Viber                              | @Viber                        |
| 173 | Viet Hessian                       | @viet_hessian                 |
| 174 | Visura                             | @visuramedia                  |
| 175 | Voicebrook                         | @Voicebrook                   |
| 176 | Watson & Carroll                   | @medmallawfirm                |
| 177 | Western Environmental Law Center   | @westernlaw                   |
| 178 | wettribe                           | @WetTribe                     |
| 179 | wherewemet                         | @wherewemetorg                |
| 180 | Willow Lane Collective             | Etsy Shop                     |
| 181 | Woven Trends                       | @WovenTrends                  |
| 182 | Yoga Lab                           | yogalabs                      |
| 183 | Yoga Lily Studio                   | yogalilystudio                |
| 184 | ZoeFinancial                       | @ZoeFinancial                 |
Sheeraz Raza

Founder of Insider Paper - email