Top 10

Top 10 Countries With Best Healthcare Systems In 2020

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Unarguably, the quality of a nation’s healthcare system has a direct impact on its citizens’ standard of living. In most developed countries, there are different approaches that are in place to provide better healthcare facilities. While some of them rely on private insurers, some depend solely on their government, and others depend on both – as in the case of the US. Whichever the approaches, what matters is delivering quality and effective medical care to the citizens. In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 10 countries with the best healthcare systems.

Top 10 Countries With Best Healthcare Systems

10- New Zealand

New Zealand’s healthcare system uses a single-payer approach as it depends solely on the state to deliver quality medical care. It’s funded with the help of taxes and provides effective treatment to the citizens at a free or subsidized rate.

9- Austria

Since it’s mandatory for the citizens of Austria and expatriates to pay into the government’s healthcare insurance scheme, the country uses the tax to deliver the best medical care. Presently, the country sits on the 9th position on the list of top 10 countries with the best healthcare systems.

8- France

France sits on the 8th position on the list of top 10 countries with the best healthcare systems. That’s because of its standard healthcare system that extends to both its state and private-owned hospitals.

7- Australia

Sitting in the 7th position, Australia has highly developed healthcare systems for both its public and private hospitals. Also, the country utilizes Medicare as its universal health insurance scheme, giving its residents the opportunity to enjoy free treatments in public hospitals.

6- Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the countries with the best healthcare system in the world, however, it’s not cost-effective. Its healthcare covers two different forms of insurance, including Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw) and Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (AWBZ).

Zorgverzekeringswet, referred to as basic insurance, helps to cover common medical care. On the other hand, AWBZ insurance covers long term nursing and care.

5- Germany

Germany uses a universal multi-payer healthcare system. That includes both private insurance for people who earn more, and statutory health insurance for people who earn below a certain amount of money. Although the healthcare system in the country is standard, it’s also expensive.

In Germany, employees and employers pay for most of the healthcare system through premiums. All workers also pay 7.5% of their salaries into the public health insurance pool, which helps the country to develop and provide quality treatment.

4- United Kingdom

Sitting in the fourth position is the UK and it offers reliable and comfortable healthcare for its citizens and expatriates. Also, each country, including Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales have its own healthcare system and it’s publicly funded by their individual government.

3- Canada

Canada has a highly developed publicly funded healthcare system, and it’s delivered through the territorial and provincials systems. Its Medicare system provides coverage for up to 70% healthcare needs for its citizens. The remaining 30% is sorted out through the country’s private sector.

2- Sweden

The healthcare system in Sweden, majorly funded by the government,  is universal for all its citizens. Although it also has private hospitals, only a few exist in the country and they operate under a mandated city council. Also, the healthcare in the country is primarily financed through taxes.

Sweden sits on the 2nd position on the list of top 10 countries with the best healthcare systems.


1- Denmark

The Danish universal healthcare system, mostly delivered by the local governments of 5 regions of the country, offers the citizens free medical care. Apart from that, the country issues national health insurance cards to all its permanent residents. As such, most of them enjoy free treatments and health examinations.

Jike Eric

Jike Eric has completed his degree program in Chemical Engineering. Jike covers Business and Tech news on Insider Paper.